All rent payments are due on or before the 1st of the month by 5PM. You may deposit your rent through an online payment or in the Rent Payment box located on the first floor by Apt. 05 and Apt. 06.
All residents must contact Austin Utilities BEFORE moving into the unit. The resident is responsible for all utility usage the moment they enter the premises.
We feel that a rental term of 1 Year is a very short amount of time and the vast majority of all residents have stayed for at least 2 years or more.
Webter Apartments has a zero tolerance for pets of any kind or nature. Any pets must remain off the entire premises at all times. No exceptions.
The dumpster is located on the South West side of the complex, near the Garages. The dumpster is emptied once weekly.
The Mower County Recycling Center located just 6 blocks away at 1105 8th Ave. N.E.
Please go to the Mower County Recycling Center and drop off All Cardboard items and boxes there.
The Laundry Facility is located on the first floor in the center of the building.
All exterior entrances to the building are secured in the evening and will reopen in the morning. In addition, entrances and hallways are under video surveillance.
All residents may sign up for a log in to this web site and you may use the Maintenance Issue request form on this site or call the office.
All interior and exterior common areas are to be no smoking. All residents have access to this policy when they log in to this web site.
Please log in and contact us on the form located there.
The Security Deposit shall be returned to the resident by the 21st day of the last following month of tenancy.
Any late rent will be charged with a late rent fee. We may also choose to turn over your credit history to the credit bureau(s) and yes, that will affect your credit rating.
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$ 1075/Month Per Month
Upscale Unique Apartments that can be Yours!
$ 1075/Month Per Month